Re-Re-Re-Re-Launch! I was Gone and Back and Gone and am Back Again!

Hi y’ll!

The name’s Andryan. I’ve been blogging since I can remember. Yeah, not really. I think it was around the year 2008 when I started using the platform WordPress.Com to host my very first blog: PokemoNirvana Oh and yes it’s still online! I once joined a local competition in my hometown with that blog and successfully won the first place. I would never forget how proud I was when I hold that cup in my hand.

Then I decided to make a new blog using the Blogger platform by Google. It’s still there though. But I set it to private so only I who can read it. Why, you ask? Well, it’s mostly because of the content. You know that almost all of Indonesian youth go trough this 4L4Y phase during their puberty, including me. And to be honest some people are still in this phase after puberty too. This phase even has its own Wikipedia page: That impact.

Indonesian word to say noobs.
People who type with wierd characters, take photo with pout in distate, etc.
Alan: I’ve got a text like this (Alan shows his mobile to Barry)

“H41, h0w 4r3 y0u t0d4y?”

Barry: Whoa, who sent this? An alay?


Well, I’ve lost count. I can’t recall how many blog I’ve already made. And let me tell you. The domain BagusAndryan.Com is like, I don’t know, 3 years old. It was very active in its first year of living, LOL. Back then, I participated in a national website competition and I fortunately won the second price. One year after, I participated again, and lost. And after that everything’s gone downhill. The site has been inactive for like 1-2 years. It’s when I decided to go abroad for study in the most flawless county in the world: G E R M A N Y.

I won’t go into the detail right now. Maybe I’ll post it this week or maybe never. You know that I’m always excited on the day one. Then the day after I will lose my passion. All. Of. It. Hope it won’t happen again this year or the year after and forever.

So I just hope you will enjoy my re-re-re-re-re-launch of my personal blog BagusAndryan.Com. I’ll post frequently. I hope so. What is the content that I will post here? Well, mostly will be about my obsession with Britney Spears and Pokemon. I also have a big interest in writing my study progress in Germany too. We’ll see where I’m gonna go with my blog.

Until then!



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I recently got my Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Sciences Esslingen and currently working as UI/UX Developer at Kommdirekt GmbH in Augsburg, Germany. I am interested in programming, designing user experience for all platform, learning new things, reading books, lifting 100K kg of weight at the gym, playing Switch, and of course eating!