Hi guys, it’s been a while since I posted here. I’ve been busy working during week days. You know, I need to get that cash if I want to go back to Indonesia this Summer or if I want to attend that flawless EDM festival that is Ultra Europe.
Today I would like to tell you how to turn your computer to WLAN Hotspot without installing any additional software like Connectify. I do these tricks using my ACER Laptop which has Windows 8.1 installed on. So yeah without further a do. This is how we do (it):
1. Run CMD as Administrator
2. Enter netsh wlan show drivers
to check whether your WLAN Card supports hosted networks. If it’s, it would say something like: hosted networks supported: yes
3. Next let’s set up the name and the password of this hosted WLAN. netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=AReallyCoolNameForYourHotSpot key=InsertYourPassH3r3Baby
4. You’ve done it! And now let’s start this hotspot so you can use it for your Android, iPhone, or 3DS to trade your Pokemon in GTS! Enter this code then netsh wlan start hostednetwork
You need to enter that code everytime you want to use the hotspot. I recommend you to enter this code everytime you start your Windows. Optional: Only when you don’t want to use it. You can stop it using netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
Easy right?
5. Well, it’s not finished yet. Now, open Network and Sharing Center. Then click Change Adapter Setting. Right click on your current internet connection that you want to use as the main internet source for your hotspot: normally it’s Local Area Network if you’re connected using LAN cable, Wireless Network Connection or WIFI if you’re connected via Wi-Fi, or AnyModemName if you’re connected using external modem, as I said right click then choose Properties. Click the tab Sharing and under Home Networking Connection select your ad hoc connection that you already set up before. In my case is Local Area Connection 4. The click Ok: now it’s officially done! Enjoy your HotSpot, guys