One Simple Trick To Let Your German Amazon Echo Use English Skills

I just got Amazon Echo Plus this week and I was really satisfied until I discovered I can’t enable tons of awesome Alexa Skills like The Tonight Show, The Incredible, and the popular Hanagram. But this one simple trick that I found out allow my german Amazon Echo to enable Alexa English skills

Go To Your Amazon Profile

Log yourself in and just go to your Amazon profile

Click Content and Devices

In German it’s Gold Inhalt und Geräte.

Click on Preferences

Once you’re on Inhalt und Geräte / Content and Devices page, you will see the above page. Click on Preferences. In German it should be called Einstellung.

Click on Country/Region and The Small Print

You need to click on Country/Region Settings to reveal its content. Once you do that, click on the small print that I have marked in the picture above

Click on The Second Small Print

We’re almost there. Click on the second small print that says Learn about transferring your Amazon digital account to

Confirm That You Want To Transfer Your Account

Click on the orange button to confirm that you are ready to transfer your German account to US account. This way you will be able to access Alexa Skills that are available in the states.

You’re Done

That’s all the step.

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I recently got my Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Sciences Esslingen and currently working as UI/UX Developer at Kommdirekt GmbH in Augsburg, Germany. I am interested in programming, designing user experience for all platform, learning new things, reading books, lifting 100K kg of weight at the gym, playing Switch, and of course eating!