Progression Fitness Tracker for iOS – Exercise Screen

Hey all, I’m sorry for the long break. I tried to catch up with this mini-project, work, and of course Game of Thrones & Orphan Black. Gladly everything is now under control.

If you have missed the last two post about this redesign mini-project. Make sure you check the information architecture and the first screen off of this application.

Today I would like to present you the next screen: Exercise Screen! 

Android and iOS Version of The Exercise Screen

In the Android version there’s  a navigation bar at the bottom of text. I do the same with the iOS version, but I also added more information to it so user knows what exactly the icon is. I barely touch the navigation bar in the Android version because I have no idea what those icons do. More over there are two unlabeled icons that look very much alike!

I also put the overview section into this screen. I think it is nice to see the progress of our today’s planning between each exercise without having to click here and there.

One of the reasons I did this project is to see how capable I am to reduce the number of click to finish a certain task. And with this screen I am pretty impressed with that I did.

Developers need to realize there are many type of users who use fitness tracking app. It is not unusual they won’t even recognize the unlabeled icon in the app. I, for instance, as a tech enthusiast and sport addict can’t recognize the icons in the navigation bar. And with this example I hope developers are more aware of this kind of situation.

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I recently got my Bachelor of Engineering degree from the University of Sciences Esslingen and currently working as UI/UX Developer at Kommdirekt GmbH in Augsburg, Germany. I am interested in programming, designing user experience for all platform, learning new things, reading books, lifting 100K kg of weight at the gym, playing Switch, and of course eating!